
SAP Note 13313 - IS-H:Check list down paymt/copaymt invoice printing


A down payment or copayment that has been made is not shown in the invoice, although all the previous steps were carried out correctly.

Cause and prerequisites

Possible causes can be divided into the following classes:

    1. The form is defined incorrectly.
    2. At the time of the first invoice printing there were no copayments/down payments present or the copayment was not yet transferred in the collection procedure.
    3. The invoice has not at all been created for the customer for whom the down payment or the copayment was posted.
    4. The copayment/down payment cannot be found in the customer account.
    5. Incorrect Customizing (for example, configuration!)

The most important question to resolve the problem:

  • Did the deduction of the copayment or down payment work at one time? Does it work in other instances?

If it works in other instances, errors in the form can be ruled out.

  • Is the Customizing of the event configuration still correct after the release upgrade?

Check your Customizing with regard to the assignment
event - configuration.
You may use check program RNKONFIG, which you find under
Configuration -> Systems -> Events -> Check configuration

  • Was the invoice printing modified?

Even if the modification concerns a copy of the SAP-module, you should be sure to enter this during a possible error message.
Does this concern the first printing of the form? This can be checked by checking table NBRK for the billing document (only for experts). If a printing was already successful, and the copayments or down payments were not transmitted (for example, because they had not yet been posted), no copayments and/or down payments will be transmitted for all subsequent printouts. Experts can check this using table NBRKAZ. This table contains an entry for each printed billing document and if necessary the assignment of the copayment or down payment to the FI document.

    1. Please check the form, particularly the syntax of the variable names. For experts: place a breakpoint in the print function module and check whether the form structure is filled correctly. As an alternative, you may use the form debugging.
    2. Please reconstruct the time sequence. When was the first printing? When was the copayment/down payment posted? When was the copayment transferred, if necessary?
    3. Was an invoice for the self-pay patient (for down payments) or for the insurance relationship requiring copayment even created? The case is being finally billed, but all the covered charges of the insurance provider requiring copayment (or of the self-pay patient during downpayment) have already been completely billed during an interim billing. Important: the problem occurs only if no further covered charges exist for the insurance provider requiring copayment after the interim billing, which occurs only very rarely in practice.
    4. There are several reasons why a copayment/down payment is not found in the customer account:
  • The account is determined incorrectly:
    • the assignment IS-H customer - FI customer was changed
    • a headquarter/branch hierarchy is represented in FI instead of in IS-H, that is, a headquarter exists for the FI customer in FI. However, it searches for the account that is assigned to the IS-H customer.
  • The account is determined correctly, but the payment is not recognized:
    • Change the parameter for down payment/copayment during production operation; for example, new posting key, special G/L transactions, and so on.
  • The account is recognized correctly but the assignment field has been changed. Check the document changes of the credit memo. The assignment field is a reserved field, which must in no case be changed. To ensure this, use the Customizing or take organizational measures. A frequent error is that the case number is in the assignment field but is not a 10-digit number (leading zeros!).
  • Receivable procedure: the insurance provider item of the receivable document has been cleared, that is the copayment credit memo on the insurance provider account is no longer an open item.
    5. Please check the following Customizing settings:
  • Down payment
    • Is the 'Deduct down payment' parameter activated for down payments?
  • Copayment
    • Does the insurance provider have a copayment procedure with invoice deduction (Caution: Is the insurance provider controlled via the insurance provider type?)
  • Check if line items that have a document type that is not set in IS-H exist on the customer account of the patient. These line items result from clearing two documents, for example if the business areas, trading partners or the commitment items are not the same in the documents. This is caused by a subsequent change in FI Customizing. In this case, ask your FI consultant.

Please consider that subsequent changes to the Customizing settings do not generally cause an invoice already printed to contain the copayment or down payment when printed again.

If you cannot solve the problem after checking the above points, we will need the following data to work on the problem:

  • case number
  • billing document number
  • self-pay patient customer (for down payments)
  • insurance provider (copayment procedure especially)
  • insurance provider customer
  • FI documents: billing document, down payment and/or copayment, copayment credit memo
  • time of the invoice creation and the first printing
  • time of the FI document creation (during the collection procedure from the transfer document)
  • information on whether the SAP print program is used or a private program or if the SAP program was modified
  • information on whether the deduction is generally not carried out or only in some cases
  • information on whether changes were made in Customizing
If no remote connection is available, you should be prepared to send the required information to us by hard copy.

Additional key words

Down payment, copayment, SAPLN019, invoice, invoice printing, billing document, invoice deduction, consulting, NE11, NE20, configuration

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