
SAP Note 13311 - Imprecise calculation in quantity determination


The quantity used in pricing is imprecise.

Example : Sales unit PC
Storage unit KG Quantity conversion <(> 3 PC <==> 1 KG<)>
If the price is 1 USD per PC, you get an item value of 0.999 USD for a quantity of 1 PC.

Conversion factors entered manually in the delivery are not taken into account by pricing during the creation of a billing document. Instead, pricing still uses the factors stored in the material master for the conversion.

Cause and prerequisites

The basis for pricing is always the quantity in storage unit. This gives causes rounding errors or calcualtion errors in the case of changes of the conversion factors in the delivery.


Releases prior to Release 3.0D
Prior to Release 3.0D you must proceed as follows: Use Transaction VOFM to apply the new condition base formula:


The formula must be activated and assigned to the appropriate condition type (for example PR00) in the appropriate pricing procedure.

If the sales unit and price unit are identical, the formula causes the entry quantity to be taken, and conversion is not carried out using the storage quantity.

Release 3.0D to 4.0A
As of Release 3.0D, condition base formula 018 was set up for this purpose. You must assign it to the affected condition type in the pricing procedure.

As of Release 4.0A:
As of Release 4.0A you can achieve this behaviour by setting an indicator for quantity conversion in the condition type.

Additional key words

Rounding, quantity conversion, conversion, conversion factor, base unit of measure, storage unit, sales unit, price unit, LIPS-UMVKZ, LIPS-UMVKN, LIPS-VERME, VBAP-VRKME, VBAP-UMVKN, VBAP-UMVKZ, MGLME, MGAME, KMEIN, RM_CONDITION_UNIT_CHECK, LV61AU14, UNIT_CONVERSION_WITH_FACTOR

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