
SAP Note 25880 - ABAP/4 query: Generation error for functional areas


When generating a functional area, a type difference is found for a field. The type originally determined from the ABAP/4 Dictionary no longer matches the type currently listed in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. This points to changes in the ABAP/4 Dictionary since the last generation of the functional area.
In the following two cases, this error is mistakenly reported, for every generation.
1. The field f has the type C in the DDIC
In the Dictionary, the field has the DDIC type VARC, LRAW, LCHR or RAW with a length of more than 999 characters.
2. The field f has the type I in the DDIC
In the Dictionary, the field has the DDIC type INT1 or INT2.

Cause and prerequisites

Case 1:
Fields with a length of more than 999 characters cannot be included directly as fields in a functional group. As of Release 3.0, it is no longer possible to include such a field in a functional group when maintaining a functional area. An error message is returned.
Case 2:
The table to which the field belongs was added to a functional area as an additional table. In this case, the DDIC type INT1 or INT2 is not represented correctly on the ABAP type I.

Case 1:
To be able to evaluate the field data in a query, several additional fields must be defined. The additional fields should have the type C and a length useful for query evaluation. The contents of the additional fields are determined from the contents of the long character area. The first additional field may contain the first 100 characters of the long character area, the second additional field the second 100 characters and so on The additional fields can then be included in functional groups while the long character area is not transferred into the functional group.
Case 2:
The error is corrected in Release 3.0B, 2.2G or 2.1M. The advance correction described below can then be made. After this correction, the additional table must be removed from the functional area in question and then re-included.

Additional key words

Query, functional area, generation

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