
SAP Note 25114 - Plan.data interface: INSERT/UPDATE COKS terminates


When using the planning data interface for transactions RKP3, RKP7, RKPW or RKPX, a termination occurs when inserting in or updating table COKS. (Activity-dependent or activity-independent activity input/secondary order cost planning).
In the standard system, the interface is used for copying cost center planning data.

Cause and prerequisites

The error only occurs if a large number of planning records are edited for a transaction so that several documents are created.
Cause: Initialization error in program

1. Divide the dataset into portions. For example, work with individual
groups instead of all cost centers (KP97).
2. Corrected in 3.0A
An advance correction can be made as follows:

Additional key words

Program name: SAPLKIPL
Transaction: KP97

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