- 1. Up to Release 2.2: when bank transfers in several currencies are printedtogether as a joint transfer by a single program run (RFFOF__V), only the total in the last currency is printed on the totals sheet (SUMMARY).
- 2. From Release 3.0 onwards: when program RFFOF__V is run, the error log contains a message to the effect that elements 530 and 531 are missing from the MAIN window.
Program error and errors in the form structure.
This problem has been solved for Release 3.0: simply use the standard SAP form F110_FR_VIREMENT from client 000.
The pre-Release 3.0 solution is to run the program separately for each currency. You can tell which currencies to enter as variants for program RFFOF__V by consulting the payment list (program RFZALI00)
In the interim, the only possible way to correct this error is to modify the program coding and the form itself.
Transaction SE71
Change form F110_FR_VIREMENT
Goto -> Pages
Select LAST
Goto -> Page window
Edit -> Delete element
Edit -> Create element
Edit -> Create element
Select MAIN
Edit -> Text elements
Then add the following:
/E 530
/ ******************
/ ******************
/ Messieurs,
/ Veuillez executer les ordres de virements ci-joints.
/ Compte a debiter:,,,,®UH-UBKNT&
T6 Nombre de virements:,,,,®UD-ZAHLT&
/ Montant total:
/E 531
Text -> Exit
Form -> Activate
Additional key words
Error message F0251
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