
SAP Note 24691 - CC error: Client transport: RSCLIIMP terminates


Client transport between 2 systems:
The program for reprocessing the import, RSCLIIMP or SCC2 import, terminates with an error message stating that the entered transport request xxx was not found (TA193).

Cause and prerequisites

This behavior can have several causes:

    1. A data import to the target client was carried out with "tp import" or "tp put".
    2. The report was started by mistake in another client than the import client. This does not destroy the other client but only tests some of the possible inconsistencies and eliminates these.
    3. Release 3.0E: The export/import of the cross-client data was not carried out. Export the command file KO and import it into the target system.
    1. Start the data import. Note, that for an import into a second client of the same system the unconditional mode U1 has to be set for the tp import.
    2. Start report RSCCXSUB in the target client. This reports performs the same postprocessing but it does not check the existence of an import.
    3. 3.0E: Export the commandfile KO and import it to the target system.

Additional key words

SCC2, RSCLIIMP, transport request

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