
SAP Note 24662 - Picking quantity > Delivery quantity


If you are using WM, it can happen that the picking quantity confirmed to the delivery is larger than the delivery quantity in the delivery. There is no no warning message and only the delivery quantity for the goods issue is posted.

Cause and prerequisites

This case was not covered by an error message.

Make the following advance correction in program FV50WF0W. This prevents goods issue.

Note that, after having installed the correction, you can post goods issue for the delivery only if you increase the delivery quantity by the picking quantity.

Note also the following: If such a delivery with picking quantity greater than the quantity delivered is already posted to the goods issue by mistake, then, this quantity cannot be posted to goods issue again. If the difference quantity is to leave the stock, you can, for example, enter, pick and post to the goods issue a new delivery via the
difference quantity. Then the stock situation should be correct.

Additional key words


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