
SAP Note 24627 - Update termination VBEP: A V2101 Update error


Update termination V2101: Error in update table VBEP.

Case 1: The document contains BOMs, delivery groups or a complete delivery for the entire document. The change that has been made caused a deadline shift in a text item (or an item without an availability check or transfer of requirements). Example: Bill of material for which the availability was checked for one of the (logistically relevant) subitems.

Case 2: The order quantity is set to '0' when an order item is changed. After a warning message is issued during the incompletion check, a new order quantity is set. In this case, see also Note 24519.

Case 3: After checking the availability on the sub-items of a BOM or delivery group, the delivery group date (on the delivery group overview screen) is lost. As a result, when changing the date of the sub-item again, the delivery group retains the last date and is not rescheduled.

Example: LFG 01.11.1995 10.01.1995
After the availability check:
LFG __________ 11.18.1995
After yet another check:
LFG 11.18.1995 11.18.1995

Cause and prerequisites
Program correction (as of 2.2F)
For Releases 3.00 to 3.0C include only the lines marked with 'P22K008835'

Additional key words

VA02, availability check, rescheduling, change of quantity, reschedule, delivery group, complete delivery, bill of materials

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