
SAP Note 24569 - Range of cov./movement rate from corrected consump.


Programs RMNIWE10, RMNIWE20; Transactions MRN1, MRN2:
Neither the range of coverage determination nor the movement rate evaluation of materials considers corrected consumption values.

Cause and prerequisites

Using corrected consumption values within the balance sheet valuation procedure is not defined in the standard system. This way, the highest possible protection against conceivable manipulations is to be ensured.
On the other hand, to meet the requirements where the consumption is exclusively managed as 'Corrected values' (for example, after the migration of the material masters from an external system), you can use the modification given below.

See the 'Source code corrections', program RMNIWESR.

If the modification is installed in a copy of the original (for example, 'ZMNIWESR'), you have to make sure that the calling programs (RMNIWE10 or RMNIWE20) are also copied and that the calls are adapted accordingly.

Furthermore, make sure that the range of coverage procedure as of Release 3.0C evaluates the creation date of the material during the determination of the consumptions to be analyzed (see Note 29988). Corrected consumption values which point to periods before the creation date are therefore not taken into account. Deactivate the logic described in Note 29988 temporarily so that the values can be used for the procedure. For this purpose, you can, for example, specify a fixed date in the program which represents a lower limit of all consumption values to be analyzed, for example, the last day of the last but one fiscal year. Make sure that you remove this modification again from the system before you run the program again. For a proposal of such a temporary program change, see the following section, 'Source code corrections', program RMNIWE10.

Additional key words

Balance sheet valuation; Determination of lowest value according to range of coverage; slow/non-movement; lowest value

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