
SAP Note 24565 - GS11/GS12: Exit '#U001'


When creating or changing a formula variable, an exit called U001 "Year (from system date)" is displayed on the list of formula exits. However, when you try to use this exit, error message GS741 "Exit '#001' is not defined" appears.

Cause and prerequisites

Formula exit U001 does not exist. Because of an error in program RGSVU000, it is still displayed. Program RGSVU000 is delivered as a reference for a FORM pool with customer-specific formula exits and is also a standard entry in table T80U.
If the program in table T80U has already been replaced by a customer- specific program, then the error is in this customer-specific program.
As of Release 3.0C, the name of the exit FORM pool is no longer entered in table T80U, but rather in table T80I. The conversion of existing entries in T80U to T80I takes place automatically during the release upgrade.

Short-term: Use exit S001 or S008 instead of U001 to determine the year date from the system date.
Long-term: Correction in program RGSVU000 (correction is part of the standard program as of 3.0F).

Additional key words

GS11 GS12 GS13 RGSVU000
Variable Set Report Writer

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