
SAP Note 18854 - Message AA628/ AA629 when posting to fixed assets


If you post to fixed assets, error messages AA628 / AA629 occur:
'Transaction type group balance & positive/negative in this fiscal year'.
Special cases:

  • 1) Settlement / transfer of asset under construction with negative balance in the settlement year but with an overall positive value (for example, because of a subsequent credit memo)
  • 2) Settlement / transfer of asset under construction with negative balance in the previous year but with an overall positive value
  • 3) Cedit memo to a completed asset after transfer of summary asset under construction.
Additional key words


Cause and prerequisites

In general: see long text of the error message.
Special cases:

  • 1) The transaction type groups 36, 39 for transferred transfers that are summarized or executed per line item from the current acquisition of assets under construction were delivered with a - sign for the fiscal year balance (field TABWG-VZJSAL) in 2.1 and 2.2, the transaction type 37 for receiving transfer of assets under construction was delivered with a + sign.
  • 2) This can only result from factually incorrect postings.
  • 3) Internally, the credit memo is determined with a split according to each transaction type group for the transfer of assets under construction (transaction type groups 35/37) and for direct acquisition to the completed asset (transaction type groups 10-12).

In general: see long text of the error message.
Special cases:

  • 1) The +/- sign for the fiscal year balance can be set to '*' for the transaction type groups in question with view maintenance SM30 in view V_TABWG.
  • 2) Cancel the factually incorrect postings.
  • 3) If the credit memo refers to old assets data from the previous year, it can be posted to the asset under construction with transaction type 160 (cancel acquisiton in the following year) or directly to the completed asset. If the credit memo refers to a new acqusition in the same year, it must first be transferred to the asset under construction. By means of a complete transfer or a percentage transfer it can then be transferred to the completed asset (entering negative amounts during the transfer is not possible). An exact transfer of negative partial amounts is possible only by using assets under construction with line item settlement or capital investment measures (from 3.0).

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