
SAP Note 18446 - HR connection to various subsystems


Can you install various subsystems (such as Interflex) in parallel?

Cause and prerequisites

This is a consultant's question.

Basically, yes. There is no negative impact on the HR system if the time events are recorded and confirmed on different subsystems. It is useful to assign a person from the plant data collection group to one of the closed subsystems.
You can combine subsystems and plant data collection groups, so that the mini master records that are processed by the subsystem can be transferred to all or to assigned subsystems.
Because the subsystems cannot communicate with each other, the plant data collection groups must evaluate which employees should be allowed to record times in which subsystems.
You should determine the answers to these questions before you make the group assignments and transfer the master data to the subsystems.
It is also helpful to download the master data for several days in the future, if the access control is not going to take place for several days.
Table T555I controls the master record information (time types, remaining leave, etc) should be transferred to the subsystem.
Because HR itself generates time pairs (together with the day programs) based on the times that the subsystem confirms, it does not make sense to carry out a status check in a subsystem (that is, check whether the recorded time is a clock-in or clock-out). This status checking can be turned off in the INIT file of the subsystem.

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