
SAP Note 16642 - EDI/IDoc: Authorizations for the EDI interface


Ixxx - You are not authorized to use function .

Cause and prerequisites

Introduction of an authorization concept for IDoc.

The following authorization objects are used to check the access authorizations to IDoc functions:
S_IDOCCTRL - General access to IDoc functions
S_IDOCDEFT - Access to IDoc development
S_IDOCMONI - Access to IDoc monitoring
S_IDOCPART - Access to partner profile (IDoc)
S_IDOCPORT - Access to port definition (IDoc)
Please refer to the object documentation for the assignment of access authorizations based on the IDoc authorization objects. The object-specific documentation is available with the function 'User maintenance - authorizations' in object class 'Basis - Central functions'.
Sample configurations for the access to IDoc functions are included in the following profiles:
All authorizations for IDoc - Profile S_A.SYSTEM
Authorizations for IDoc administrators - Profile S_A.ADMIN
Authorizations for IDoc developers - Profile S_A.DEVELOP
Authorizations for IDoc contacts - Profile S_A.USER
In Release 3.00 (FCS), the authorizations were implemented under the following names:
E_CONTROL - General access control to IDoc functions
E_DEFTOOL - Access to IDoc development
E_MONITOR - Access to IDoc monitoring
E_PARTNER - Access to IDoc partners
E_PORT - Access to IDoc ports

Additional key words

IDoc, IDoc interface
EDI, EDI interface

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