
SAP Note 11214 - Print problems: Changes SPAD/RSTXCRP/RSTXCPAG.


The definition of an output device, device type or print character set (for example, format type, printer intializing, print control, character code for output characters) was changed in the spool administration (Transaction SPAD). However, the change is not considered for the print output from R/3. The system continues to print with the old device type or character set definition.
The same problem occurs after you have imported a device type with report RSTXSCRP or a printer character set with report RSTXCPAG
(in Releases 2.x/3.x)
A similar error situation is as follows: In SPAD you changed the device type of an output device (for example, printer P239 was changed from device type HPLJIIID to I2HP4) but the print output apparently still uses the old device type. Many characters are replaced in the output by the number sign (#).

Cause and prerequisites

Spooler, composer and character set administration (CCC = character code cache) have extensive buffers to avoid database accesses, since the table contents of the affected objects (device type, character set) changes seldom.
If you do not delete the buffers the spooler uses old data.
Transaction SPAD and the upload reports RSTXSCRP and RSTXCPAG call functions that reset the buffer. However, these functions do not work accurately in Release 2.2x/3.x so that you have to perform a manual action.
As of Release 4.0A you can delete the individual buffers
directly from
Transaction SPAD via Full administration -> Goto -> Cache control.
After printing with SAPscript you should generally restart the application transaction after changing the device type or the character set and the following output, since the SAPscript composer stores data (form definitions, output device, and so on) in the local memory.
You can perform the actions mentioned below in all Releases 2x/3x/ 4.0x without any danger.

If the system prints with old data, the following actions are possible:

If # characters are output for printing with SAPscript (not when you are printing ABAP lists), execute report RSTXDELL (refer to Note 4367). Important: All parameters, with the exception of "client" should remain on the default value. Assign the character "* " (* and two blanks) in the field "client". Then start report RSTXDELL.

If you changed the contents of the format type for device types (for example X_65_80 for device type ZHPLJ4) or print controls (for example print control SF009 for device type ZEPESCP) a restart of the spool work process ("spool work process") that is assigned to the used output device (printer) may help.
To do this select the definition of the output device in Transaction SPAD, note the spool server name of the printer (for example SS0213 for printer P239), and call then Transaction SM51. All existing application servers are listed. Select the server which is assigned to the printer by double-clicking. All work processes contained on this server are displayed. The spool work process has the type "SPO". Place the cursor on this line and execute the menu function "Process->Cancel without core". Afterwards the SPO process starts automatically with empty buffers and imports successively all required format types and print controls from the database.
Caution: If the spool work process is not in the status "Waiting", print requests which are processed at this moment may be lost.

If characters are replaced with the number sign (#) during the printing of ABAP lists and SAPscript documents, either an inconsistency occured in the character set buffer, or the spooler used the default character set 1101 (7-bit US-ASCII) for the output device due to an error. In this case restart the application server, which is responsible for printing on the affected output device (that is, the server where the assigned SPO process is running). However, here it is not useful to restart the SPO process, since the data is stored for all processed in the shared memory.
Make sure that the character set assigned to the device type really exists in the system. If you import a device type with RSTXSCRP but forget to import the necessary character set with RSTXCPAG, the situation described above may occur.
To analyze such a situation activate the "Output monitoring" in SPAD, that is a listing in SP01 of the sent printing data in the spool request log. Execute this in Transaction SPAD for the definition of the output device analyze ("Add to log: the first 10 kb of the print output").
If you activated the output monitoring for the affected output device, a log is displayed in SP01 for every print request on this device. There you can check which source and which target character set was used in the spooler for the formatting of print data. If 1101 is specified as target character set (or a different character set which does not belong to the current device type), probably only a restart with the R/3 instance can help.

Additional key words

SPAD, device type, character set, code page, printer character set

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