Account determination patient accounting:
The posting status of an invoice is incorrect due to an error in the account determination.
The access sequence for the conditions for account determination may not be set correctly.
Possible cause: When upgrading from Release 2.2 to 3.0 (for example, to IS-H 3.02), the setting 'Initial value allowed' may get lost.
In revenue accounting, it is most desirable that access to the condition table is done with certain empty fields (that is, with initial values). This has to be explicitly set as such when defining an access sequence, since otherwise no access is attempted.
Example: account determination type NKFI with access sequence NKFI: In the fields 'Private dep. service' (ISHCARKZ) and 'External physician service' (ISHBARKZ), 'Initial value allowed' must have been selected for the fields.
<- Whether this is the cause, can be checked in Transaction
'Display Billing Document' (VF03) via 'Environment -> Acc. determ.
In Customizing for the affected access sequence (for example NKFI: 400 and 401), switch the respective fields to 'Initial value allowed' and activate the access sequence (no longer required in 3.0). This must be carried out for SAP condition tables (name range) in client 000.
In 2.2, go via Customizing: Patient accounting -> Billing -> Billing -> Revenue accounting -> Menu Account determination -> Account type -> Access sequence (or directly via Transaction V/10).
In 3.02, go via Customizing: Industry Solution Hospital -> Patient accounting -> Billing -> Revenue accounting -> Define access sequences for account determination types. Select the line with the access sequence in question and choose 'Accesses'. Activate the 'I' column for the fields for which an initial value should be allowed. Save the data and do the same for all required account determination tables and access sequences.
Additional key words
RNAB0000, RNABD000, NA30, billing, patient accounting, consulting, G/L account determination, revenue account, NA01
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