
SAP Note 10377 - Texts in standard reporting


Under certain circumstances, no texts appear for characteristics from customer-defined information structures, even when text tables exist for the fields.

Cause and prerequisites

There are three possible causes for this:

    1. No coding for text determination exists for that characteristic (for example, because the field was added to the communication structure by the customer).
    2. The text for the characteristic is dependent on several fields.
    3. Up to Release 2.1, the field name is accessed for text determination. When the field name is different (for example, changed manually), the system does not recognize which text it has to read.
    1. In Release 2.1, a modification can be applied as specified in Note 13623, that will solve the problem. As of Release 2.2, the text determination routine contains the user exit RMCSTEXT, component EXIT_RMCSTEXT_001. You can add your own read routines.
    2. From Release 2.2 onwards, the drill-down will be accessed during text determination in order to determine the dependent fields. For example, if a drill-down by plant has already been performed, the plant can be used to determine the text for the storage location.
    3. From Release 2.2 onwards, the domain will be accessed for text determination. For additional information, refer to Note 26719.

Due to a transport problem the documentation for the user exit RMCSTEXT is not in the system in Release 2.2. Therefore we have included a copy of it here.

Customer exit for determining characteristic texts in LIS standard analyses


When you access a standard analysis in Logistics Controlling (Inventory Controlling, Purchasing Information System, Sales Information System, etc.), texts are determined for a characteristic value at runtime. As a result, the domain is determined for a field of the information structure that valuates the standard analysis. Using this domain the system reads the text for the respective characteristic value in program RMCSTEXT, routine TEXT_SEARCH_DOM. The enhancement RMCSTEXT is found in this routine. If no text for the characteristic value can be determined from the routine TEXT_SEARACH_DOM because, for example, you have included the field in a LIS communication structure, the exit will be accessed. To determine the text, you can, for example, look it up in a separate table.


The customer exit has the following parameters:

    1. Import parameters
      a) I_DOMNAME: Domains, for identification (for example, "PLANTS" for plant)
      b) I_ROLLNAME: Data element (additional information for the field)
      c) I_FIELDVALUE: Value of the characteristic (for example "0001" for the plant 0001)
      d) I_LANGUAGE: Language key
      e) I_TABIX_MAX: The parameter I_TABIX_MAX specifies the item at which the current characteristic is located in the drill-down table (T_DRILLDOWN). It can be used to determine texts for characteristics, which are in a hierarchial relationship to other fields of the information structure.

Example: An information structure contains the characteristics "plant" and "storage location". The text for the storage location can be determined only if the plant is already known. This is the case when the plant is drilled down before the storage location is done. You can identify this situation when I_TABIX_MAX is greater than the item of the plant in the drill-down table T_DRILLDOWN.

    2. Export parameters
      a) E_TEXT_SHORT: In order for text to be displayed in the standard analysis, the E_FLG_HIER indicator must be set to "X" for the text determination.
      b) E_FLG_HIER: Use this flag to indicate whether you have determined the text for a characteristic that has a hierarchical relationship to another characteristic of the info structure. In this case, set the indicator to "X".
      Example: Storage location text can be determined on a plant basis only. For this reason the E_FLG_HIER indicator must be set to "X" for the text determination.
    3. Table parameters
      a) T_DRILLDOWN: The drill-down that was carried out until now. The field DOMNAME contains the domains of the characteristics according to which a drill-down was executed until now. The Object field contains the characteristic value. This table is used to determine texts that are dependent on the content of several charcteristics. The prerequisite is that the corresponding characteristics have been drilled down.
      Example: In order to determine the text for a storage location it is necessary to know the plant. If a drill-down was already executed according to a plant, you can use the T_DRILLDOWN table to find out the plant to which the storage locations are assigned.
    4. Exceptions
      a) NO_TEXT_FOUND: Must be set if it is not possible to determine a text.

Key word: Text

Additional key words

Text, texts, text determination, description, characteristic text, standard analysis, RMCSTEXT, EXIT_RMCSTEXT_001, TEXT_SEARCH_DOM, T_DRILLDOWN, characteristic, analysis

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