
SAP Note 10322 - Does R/3 support OSI protocols?


Does R/3 support OSI protocols?

Cause and prerequisites

Customer inquiry


1. Communications from R/3 to external systems
2. Communications within R/3

1. Communications from R/3 to external systems

OSI protocols are supported in the communications to external systems via MAIL and EDI. The SAP applications use non-SAP products (e.g. CoCoNet, SoftSwitch) to implement the actual data transmission. These are based on OSI protocols (e.g. X.400 via OSI transport and X.25).

2. Communications within R/3

For communications within a distributed R/3 System (communication between the database server, application servers, and frontends), only TCP/IP is currently supported.
SAP is currently examining the feasibility of porting R/3 to OSI protocols (including check of the required prerequisites, e.g. that OSI products are available on the required platforms).

Key word: OSI

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