Caution: On 22 May 1997, the line marked "XLCK147924 was inserted in this note in module FILL_ICLPC of Include MPZPCALE.
Inconsistencies arise between absences or attendance on the one hand (infotypes 2001 or 2002) and absence or attendance quotas on the other hand (infotypes 2006 or 2007).
Some situations where this error is known to occur:
Enter an absence, make a save, collision in the time constraint or warning message: Make a change in the accounting past, cancel without saving the absence: the quota was reduced anyway.
An absence exists which reduces a quota, another absence is entered which automatically delimits a part of the existing absence with regard to its time constraint: the quota is not updated correctly.
The correction specified below will change the whole procedure for quota deduction entirely. This affects the entering and tracing of quotas by deleting or changing data.
This note contains Note 26350's correction for leave deduction. However, you must use the modules specified HERE.
Change the modules in Note 26350 correspondingly!
Insert the modules
CANCEL_QUOTA_DELETED on screens 2001, 2050, 4000, 4050, 4051, 7150, 7151 of program MP200000 as specified and then regenerate the screens.
(the changed lines are marked XDEP30K012776.)
Then enter the modules in the specified Includes, and the corresponding respective data declarations and subroutines as specified.
After this, change the existing subroutines and modules as specified.
If you want, you can delete any subroutines you no longer need (UPDATE_P2006/7, EXEC_P2006/7, READ_P2006/7, HOLIDAY and CHARGE_HOLIDAY) in Include MP200140.
Finally, carry out a syntax check for program MP200000.
Additional key words
Absence quota, attendance quota, approval of attendance, I2006, P2006, I2007, P2007, I2002, P2002, I2001, P2001, attendances, absences.
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