
SAP Note 25882 - GR for subcontractor order with negative components


An item of a subcontractor order contains a component with negative quantity (which is not provided to the subcontractor but which is returned by him). The component is still posted as a withdrawal with movement type 543 during the goods receipt of the item.

Cause and prerequisites

Program error


Corrected in 2.2G or 3.0B.

Within this correction, movement types 545 (SC By-product Receipt) and 546 (SC By-product Issue) are set up. Please make the following table changes with transaction SM32:

1. Table T156
a) Please copy the table entry for movement type 543 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 546.
b) Please copy the table entry for movement type 544 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 545.

2. Table T156N
Please insert the following table entries: FCode MvT MvT R
LBNA 545
LBNS 546
ST 545 546 2
ST 546 545 2

3. Table T156T
a) Please copy the table entries for movement type 543 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 546.
Please replace the text 'GI Issue SC Stock' with 'GI Issue SC By-product'.
b) Please copy the table entries for movement type 544 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 545.
Please replace the text 'GI Receipt SC Stock' 'GI Receipt SC By-product'.

4. Table T156B
a) Please copy the table entry for movement type 543 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 546.
b) Please copy the table entry for movement type 544 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 545.

5. Table T156F
a) Please copy the table entry for segment string E33 by overwriting the segment string with segment string E34.
b) Then set the indicator 'Primary posting' in segment string E34.

6. Table T156M
a) Please copy the table entry for quantity string MAO3 by overwriting the quantity string with quantity string MAO5.
b) Then double-click on the new quantity string MAO5 and overwrite the value E33 with E34 in the order item field.

7. Table T156S
a) Please copy the table entries for movement type 543 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 546.
Please replace the quantity string MAO3 with quantity string MAO5.
b) Please copy the table entries for movement type 544 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 545.
Please replace the quantity string MAO3 with quantity string MAO5.

8. Table T156X
a) Please copy the table entries for movement type 543 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 546.
b) Please copy the table entries for movement type 544 by overwriting the movement type with movement type 545.

9. Table T158B
Please insert the following table entries: TCode MvT
MB01 545
MB01 546
MB04 545
MB04 546
ME23 545
ME23 546
ME33 545
ME33 546

Please include field SHKZG (including data element SHKZG) in structure MDVW and activate the structure.

Please also make the following program changes:

Additional key words

Subcontracting, MB01

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