
SAP Note 25840 - Syntax error on screen for LOOP AT table CURSOR


for Transaction FF73 (bank account clearing) ->EM:->A: A: syntax error in screen. SAPMF40C 0210 message number 00041 -> transaction is terminated.

Additional key words

Screen generation

Cause and prerequisites

Language element LOOP AT xyz CURSOR x is used in the flow logic of a screen. As long as there is not a database table with the name 'xyz', the screen is correct. If someone now creates a table with this name, the screen becomes incorrect although no changes were made to module pool and screen. If a table actually exists in the database, the loop has priority via it. However the additional specification CURSOR is not allowed for this LOOP AT database table.
As of Release 4.5A the visibility rule is changed to the effect that for the addition CURSOR the table is always taken from the program.

Delete table with SE11 from the DDIC. If this is not possible because of references to an SAP program, contact SAP.

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