You have added new fields to fast entry variants according to Note 2596. However, you have not entered the external modification groups (group 1) in the reference screen as you did in the standard screen (for example 026 for WERKS). For this reason, you are asked to supplement line items in the document overview although all the required entry fields for the line items were entered on the fast entry screen.
Cause and prerequisitesModification according to Note 2596.
SolutionInclude the modification groups in the template screen (for example, ZZZVF05A 1001) using Transaction SE51. As an example for the usage of the modification groups, you can use the respective standard screen from program SAPVFxxx (for template screen ZZZVFxxx).
For user-defined field from the coding block, transfer modification group 1 from table TCOBF (display table contents using Transaction SE16).
In the template screens ZZZVF05A 1001 and 1002, enter value '001' for modification group 4 (as is done in the standard screen).
After you have saved and generated the template screen, use Transaction FAKP to delete the new field from the fast entry screen, save and activate the screen. Then re-enter the new field in the screen, which causes the fast entry screens to be regenerated.
Additional key words
FAKP, fast entry, SAKOP, F5413, RGUCBFIP
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