
SAP Note 25160 - FI-SL allocation: error message GA735


When executing an FI-SL assessment or distribution, the system generates error message GA735 'System error: during currency translation'.

Cause and prerequisites

In Customizing of allocation, the field LCURR (local currency) was not indicated as a dependent field of field BUKRS or RBUKRS (company code).
As a result, this field is not filled during allocation which causes the error in currency translation.

Call Transaction SM30 and enter View V_T811I.
Choose the corresponding entry for field LCURR and then choose the menu option Extras -> Dependencies.
If the menu option is not available, enter '=ABHA' in OK code.

Make the following entries in the dialog box:

Field Superior to Dependent on

Consequently, field LCURR is indicated as a dependent field of BUKRS.

Additional key words

Assessment, distribution, allocation

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