
SAP Note 25152 - New scheduling calendar in CCMS (DB13) ORACLE


As of Release 22F and 3.0A, a new scheduling calendar is delivered in CCMS (Transaction DB13). This Note describes its operation and the most essential new features.

Cause and prerequisites

The previous version of the CCMS scheduling calendar could be used for scheduling database backups.
The redo log backups had to be scheduled on operating system level.


The CCMS scheduling calendar (db13) has been extended by additional actions.

Basis functions
  • Scheduling new actions
    By double-clicking on an empty line of the current or a future day, you reach the planning dialog. Here, you can enter the start time, if necessary a period in weeks (no specification or 0 weeks means one-time execution), and the action to be scheduled using selection. In addition, an immediate start (additional pushbutton) is possible for the current day - the start time and period are then unimportant. No two actions can be scheduled for exactly the same time. The scheduling dialog can also be accessed via the planning list (see below). Scheduling is immediately effective without any further confirmation.
  • Display of scheduled actions
    Every scheduled action is displayed on one line in the calendar with the time (without seconds) and a short text. The background color shows the status of the action: Calendar background means either action successfully completed, action in the future, or no specification possible (for table analysis and the Next-Extent calculation); red means unsuccessful or not yet completed. More detailed information can be displayed via the planning list (see below). If there are more planning items than calendar lines for a day, you can scroll by double-clicking the '+' or '-' that then appears.
  • Detail display for scheduled actions
    By double-clicking on the header line of a day, you access the planning list. This contains the precise time, the period, a detailed description, the current status (SCHED = planned, OK = successfully completed, ERROR = terminated or still being processed, N.A. = no specification possible), and the specification of whether an action log exists for each scheduling. The following actions can be carried out from this planning list:
    • Change/Edit
      Changing a scheduled action (change of planning time, period, action, parameters) - (only for planning items with the status SCHED).
    • Insert/Add
      Creating a new scheduling (only for current or future days).
    • Delete
      Removing a scheduled action (only in status SCHED). The deletion is immediately effective without any further confirmation.
    • Parameters/Params
      Displaying the parameters used for scheduling. The parameters can be changed via "Edit".
    • Action logs/Protocols
      Displaying the action logs, if these exist.
    • Job logs
      displaying the background job log, if one exists. This log also contains the approximate output of the started external program.
    • Volumes needed/Vols needed
      Displays the required media for actions that require a backup medium.
  • Daily functions
    The pushbuttons in the calendar main screen, "Action logs", "Job logs", "Volumes needed" always refer to all the actions of the selected day. The log information is imported again with "Refresh", for example, this would update an action in the calendar that had just been completed.
List of actions that can be scheduled
  • Database online full backup + archive logs
    Online database backup of all data files with subsequent redo log backup.
  • Database online full backup
    Online database backup of all data files
  • Archive redo log files
    Backup of all archived redo log files with subsequent deletion from the archive directory.
  • Partial online database backup
    Online backup of the data files for a list of tablespaces.
  • Analyze tables in tablespace(s)
    Table analysis for all the tables in a list of tablespaces.
  • Compute and adapt next table extents
    Calculation and correction of the next extent size of all the tables in a list of tablespaces.
  • Check database structure (as of 3.0D)
Logical commands

So-called logical commands are used for scheduling actions. Logical commands are an interface for calling external programs. The external programs brbackup, brarchive and sapdba are called by the scheduling calendar via the logical commands BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE and SAPDBA. The logical commands can be manipulated via the test mode of function module SXPG_COMMAND_LIST_MAINTAIN. CAUTION: during the first call, you get a security warning with the option to delete all commands (after saving). After deletion, the logical commands must be set up again manually!

The authorization S_LOGCOM_ALL in the authorization object S_LOG_COM is required to execute logical commands. This authorization is contained in the authorization object S_RZL_ADMIN. This profile therefore has to be entered for the user who is to do scheduling in the CCMS calendar (the profile SAP_ALL is not sufficient!).

Dedicated tape unit for redo log backup

For a database backup with a subsequent redo log backup, all tapes must be inserted beforehand. This is possible by using either a tape changer or a dedicated tape unit for the redo log backup. The profile file init.sap unfortunately does not allow any distinction between tape units for data backups and redo log backups. For this reason, the redo log backup gives you the option of entering a special profile file - where a different tape unit can then be entered.

Old scheduling (from <22f)

The previous scheduling should still run. However, the naming convention for background jobs has changed. That means that the old background jobs cannot be deleted with the new calendar (you get the message "No jobs found to delete"). The old background job can then be removed via sm37 (job name: BACKUP*). It is therefore recommended that you delete all scheduling items with the old calendar (see below.) and then create them again with the new calendar.

Old calendar

The old calendar can still be called - but only directly as an ABAP program (via se38 or sa38). The name of the ABAP program is RSDBA000. Background job names between the old and new calendars are incompatible as described above. When changing over, all planning items should therefore first be removed with the old calendar.

If an existing planning item is changed by editing the parameters, the respective background job is then deleted. This planning item should then be completely deleted and created again. To prevent this, when you make a change you should also change the time by at least one minute. This error is corrected as of release 22G.

Additional key words

CCMS-DBA, DB13, database backup, redo log backup, backup, archive, logical commands, authorization, no_permission

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