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SAP Note 24594 - Backup of raw disks and Oracle parallel server
Topic: Backup of databases on raw devices and Oracle parallel server configuration.
Other terms
Raw Disk, OPS Oracle Real Application Server (RAC) - the new implementation of the Oracle Parallel Server in Release 9i or higher.
Reason and Prerequisites
Extract from the 3.0 documentation.
ORACLE Databases on Raw Devices ------------------------------------------------------ An ORACLE database can be operated from raw devices. The SAP utilities for database backup support this configuration. The following sections describe the special features for the SAP utilities if you make a backup to raw devices.
1.) ORACLE Databases on Raw Devices: Overview 2.) SAPDBA Support for Raw Device Configuration 3.) Supporting the Raw Device Configuration with BRBACKUP and BRRESTORE
--------------------------------------------- 1.) ORACLE Databases on Raw Devices: Overview
Application programs such as database management systems frequently avoid the file management of the UNIX system and the data is written directly on a partition. In this case, the partition is used as a raw device. No file system exists in such a partition. Using this type of storage might bring certain advantages regarding the speed when accessing the data, but requires its own file management. You can operate an ORACLE database on raw devices.
Advantages Working with raw devices brings considerable performance gains for the following reasons: * The overhead for maintenance for a file system can be neglected. * Since the usual buffer cache for a file system can be neglected, less main memory is required. * Since no management information has to be stored on the disk, less disk space is required. * Since the accesses do not have to be synchronized and the management information does not have to be recorded, the load on the CPU is reduced. If you operate the ORACLE database system on raw devices, you can use the Parallel Server option.
Disadvantages Working with raw devices makes administration more difficult for the following reasons: * There is no description of the files residing on the raw devices in the system. * The configuration of the storage space is quite inflexible because only one database file is permitted per raw device (and therefore per partition). The sizes of the individual partitions must be adjusted to the sizes of the database files. This makes later relocation of the database files to other partitions more difficult. * It is possible to save raw devices with the dd command, but its complicated syntax must be accepted.
SAPDBA can only carry out limited checks on raw devices. This has to do with the fact that SAPDBA only checks the raw devices that belong to the database user ora. Raw devices are recognized only if they are allocated to this database SAPSID (SAPDBA does not check whether there are also objects from other applications in these raw devices). Therefore the database administrator has to work carefully here.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) SAPDBA Support for Raw Device Configuration
The following information is important for you if you intend to use SAPDBA for ORACLE database administration on raw devices: * The data for a tablespace can be stored either in raw devices or in files. Be sure to observe the SAP naming convention for tablespaces on raw devices: /sapraw/_ -> /: Sequentially assigned number for files) : Specifies the central directory containing the devices. This directory may also be specified in the rawdev_dir parameter. : _
Each tablespace "file" (held on a raw device) visible to ORACLE is a symbolic link to a raw device. SAPDBA checks that the naming convention has been observed.
* The database link structure is one of things recorded in the structure log struct.log. If the database check is done using SAPDBA, SAPDBA uses this structure log to check whether the link structure is still complete and immediately repairs it if not. If a tablespace is extended, a new tablespace is created or a tablespace is reorganized with data files then SAPDBA updates the structure log. * Each raw device can contain only one tablespace "file" (requirement of ORACLE). SAPDBA can set the size of this partition. Therefore, in the case of tablespace extension (adding a "file" from a raw device), for example, the size of the raw device is determined automatically and is used for the size of the file. * It may be a good idea to specify the rawdev_dir and blkdev_dir parameters in the init.dba profile.
----------------------------------------------------- 3.) Supporting the Raw Device Configuration with BRBACKUP and BRRESTORE
The BRARCHIVE utility remains unchanged in a raw device configuration because offline redo log files must always reside in a file system. There are some changes in the BRBACKUP and BRRESTORE programs in a raw device configuration, but these changes have no effect on the function scope of the programs. The known functionality of BRBACKUP and BRRESTORE for backing up and restoring file systems remains unchanged.
Use the dd command to access raw devices. * With dd, you can write directly from/to the raw device to/from tape (backup/restore to/from tape) * With dd, you can copy directly from/to the raw device to/from disk with file system (backup/restore to/from disk) * In case of a backup with software compression, output of the command dd is sent directly to the compress. In case of a restore with decompression, output of uncompress is sent to dd. * In case of a backup on a remote computer, output of dd is sent for example directly to remsh (/rsh etc.). In case of a restore from a remote computer, it is sent from remsh (/rsh etc.) to the dd command. * There are new parameters for defining the options for the dd command: dd_flags and dd_in_flags.
Since the dd command does not support a dd continuation tape (in this case an I/O error is reported), a method which is similar to the cpio continuation method is not supported. This means that each individual database file residing on the raw devices must completely fit onto one tape. This restriction does not refer to the BRBACKUP continuation tape management, which means that the BRBACKUP utility can request continuation tapes if they should be necessary for backup of the next database files.
ORACLE Databases and Parallel Server Option --------------------------------------------------------- If an ORACLE database is operated from raw devices, it is possible to use the Parallel Server option of the ORACLE-RDBMS. The SAP utilities for backing up the database support this configuration. In the following sections, the special features of the SAP utilities for backing up when using the Parallel Server option are explained.
1.) ORACLE Databases and Parallel Server Option: Overview 2.) Parallel Server Configuration for Using SAPDBA 3.) Parallel Server Configuration when Using BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE and BRRESTORE
--------------------------------------------------- 1.) ORACLE Databases and Parallel Server Option: Overview
The ORACLE Parallel Server option (OPS) is described in the corresponding ORACLE documentation. Only the most important features of the OPS configuration when using the SAP utility programs will be discussed here: * All control files, online redo log files and database data files are on raw devices, which can be accessed from all hosts in a cluster (the raw devices are shared). * On the hosts in the cluster, there are several ORACLE instances, which can access the database files (normally one instance per host). * Every ORACLE instance has a unique name (this is a SAP standard) - the so-called ORACLE system ID. When setting up a connection to the database, the ORACLE instance is determined by the environment variable ORACLE_SID (abbreviated, DBSID) or by a connect string. * Every ORACLE instance uses separate online redo log groups which can also contain mirrored online redo log files. All groups in one instance set up a so-called online redo thread which is identified by a number. * Every ORACLE instance writes separate offline redo log files which are identified by the thread number and the sequential log sequence number. The offline redo log files are stored in a file system as normal files. You can normally only access this file system locally, that is, from the host on which the instance runs.
* Every ORACLE instance has a separate init.ora profile which, among other things, determines the thread number (parameter thread) and the name format of the offline redo log files (parameter log_archive_format). The corresponding character strings can contain the usual placeholders ? () and @ (). To avoid problems, this is only allowed in the following form:
log_archive_dest = ?/saparch/arch In the standard installation, all the instances should have the same . If they have different values, the question mark must be replaced directly: log_archive_dest = /oracle//saparch/arch - log_archive_format = %t_%s.dbf * One of the ORACLE instances (for SAP installations normally the instance with thread number 1) is the so-called dedicated database instance (DDB instance). All administration tasks in the database (for example database backup, tablespace extension, reorganization) are carried out from this instance. * The standard assignment instance (ORACLE_SID or DBSID) and thread look like this in an SAP System C11:
Before you work with your OPS database, you should become familiar with the concrete installation. Use all the available information, such as the installation guidelines. * All the ORACLE instances must be administrable from the DDB instance, that is, you must be able to start and stop them from the DDB instance. You should be able to perform these operations from a local SQLDBA session. In order to do this, the following requirements must be met: - Create an ORACLE password file: orapwd file=/dbs/orapw password= entries=100 Create softlinks to this file for all other database instances: cd /dbs ln -s orapw orapw - The parameter remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive must be entered in all the init.ora profiles or in a common Include file (which is then linked into all the profiles with the IFILE parameter). If the parameter was only entered after an instance(s) was started, the corresponding instances should be started so that it takes effect. - User system must have SYSOPER (SYSDBA) authorization on the DDB instance. Start SQLDBA as user internal and perform the following ORACLE command: sqldba> grant sysoper to system; - It might be necessary to change the password for user system: sqldba> alter user system identified by ;
------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) Parallel Server Configuration for Using SAPDBA
SAPDBA should normally only be started from the DDB instance. In exceptions (for example when looking for freespace in local archiving directories), SAPDBA can also be started from another instance. Please read the information about setting up user system (in Topic 1). User system has the authorization to start and stop the database instances remotely. You can therefore call SAPDBA in the usual manner. The following functions were extended or introduced especially for databases with OPS configuration: * Startup/Shutdown instance, to start/stop single instances or all instances. * Instance information, to obtain status information about the individual instances. * Archive mode, to obtain information about archiving for the local instance or for any parallel instance or to set the archiving parameters.
Recovery measures on an OPS database should only be performed by an experienced administrator. It is essential that you read the ORACLE documentation. The restore/recovery functionality of SAPDBA is only available with some restrictions. (See topic "Special Features during Restore/Recovery").
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information in the init.dba Profile
There are a number of OPS-specific parameters in the init.dba profile. These are: * ops, to set the working mode of SAPDBA specifically for the OPS * parallel_instance, to define the parallel instances
There are also some parameters for special purposes, but these should only be used by an experienced administrator. * index_instances, to create indices on the individual instances in parallel * recovery_instances, to perform recoveries on the individual instances in parallel
SAPDBA can also call the SAP utilities BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE and BRRESTORE. The profile for these programs also contains a number of OPS-specific parameters (see topic Information in the Profile
------------------------------------------------------------ Special Features during Restore/Recovery
SAPDBA will only provide restricted support of Release 3.0C in order to be able to recover the OPS database as fast as possible in a recovery situation. Due to the complex installation (for possible scenarios see topic "Special Features of BRARCHIVE), there can be no general recommendation. Due to its syntax, the BRRESTORE program permits you to manually restore the files which are relevant for the recovery (for example, specification of the name of the parallel instance). SAPDBA helps you to obtain the necessary information about the status of the database system (also in mount status). In special cases, individual objects can be restored using SAPDBA.
Information about the Redo Log Files of the Individual Threads
* Use the SAPDBA menu option Archive mode -> Show all archive information/Show complete archive history. * Check (and repair) database -> Check database : If this check finds that some files have an old status, SAPDBA displays the redo log files of the different threads necessary for a recovery.
Support in Case of File Loss
1.) If SAPDBA finds that some files are missing with Check (and repair) database -> Check database, these must be restored. If only links were lost, SAPDBA tries to reconstruct them. 2.) The missing files can then be restored from a backup copy with Check (and repair) database -> Restore backup files. The subsequent actions, such as automatic restoring of the corresponding offline redo log files, are not yet supported. 3.) If you start Check (and repair) database -> Check database again, SAPDBA displays the redo log files of the different threads necessary for a recovery. 4.) These redo log files can now be restored manually with BRRESTORE. 5.) Now start the recovery with SQLDBA (sqldba> recover database...). Read about this in the corresponding ORACLE documentation.
Support when Restoring a Full Backup or Single Files
* The SAPDBA option Restore/Recovery -> Full restore is completely supported, also for an OPS installation. See Resetting the Databasesora10e.doc016>howto. * The SAPDBA option Restore/Recovery -> Full restore and recovery is not yet supported. If you want to perform for example a point in time recovery, you should perform the necessary preparations for the subsequent recovery with Restore/Recovery -> Full restore -> Restore database and startup mount (for manual recovery (using backup controlfile). Then start the recovery with SQLDBA (sqldba> recover database until
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