
SAP Note 18801 - FIPP: post document parking and CALL-TRANSACTION


    1. If G/L account items for a project are assigned, posting terminates because the project number is transferred in the internal and not in the external format.
    (corrected for 2.2E)
    2. PASUBNR field is transferred.
    (corrected for 2.2E)
    3. The following error message appears (only for amount fields):
    "Field XY, length of the entry field is larger than the screen field".
    XY is the field name of the entry field.
    (corrected for 2.2F)
    4. Decimal places cannot be used if only the local currency is set in the RF options, and postings have been made in a currency without decimal places.
    (corrected for 2.2E)
    5. Include is transferred as a field.
    (corrected for 2.2F)
    6. Jurisdiction Code is transferred although no taxes on sales/purchases code has been entered.
    (corrected for 2.2F)
    7. The POR number was proposed from the master data and was set to blank in the preliminary posting. The POR number was then proposed again during posting, which caused the posting to terminate (FBV0).
    (corrected for 2.2F)
    8. A parked document could not be posted since it was parked with other accounting options (FB00). It was parked with net tax calculation but not posted with net tax calculation, or vice versa.
    (corrected for 2.2G)
    9. Check double invoice error message is set to error message (F5117).
    Batch input terminates.
    (corrected for 2.2G)
    10. Joint venture fields are transferred.
    (corrected for 2.2G)
    11. BEBZT field (type of follow-on document) is transferred.
    (corrected for 2.2G)
    12. PAOBJNR field is transferred (not supported until 3.0F).
    (corrected for 3.0E)
    13. Blanks are compressed
    (corrected for 3.0E)
    14. KBLNR/KBLPOS are visible in the parked docuemtn but not in the accounting document (ISPS 2.2).
Cause and prerequisites
    1. The project number is not converted into the external format.
    2. Field is transferred unnecessarily.
    3. ABAP fills the amount field with periods; this can result in the source field being too small (screen field).
    4. Field is not prepared as currency-dependent.
    5. INCLUDES were not considered.
    6. Field is transferred unnecessarily.
    7. POR number must not be defaulted.
    8. The parameters are not reset for each document.
    9. Error message 117 (F5), changed from Warning to Error
    10. (10, 11 12) Fields are transferred unnecessarily.
    11. Compression not necessary
    12. Was not programmed.
Carry out the following correction (repair), keeping in mind that after you carry out the correction, you have to run report RFBIPPG0 with parameter "V" and generate program SAPLF040. For 14), you only have to run the program.

Additional key words

FBV0, FBV2, batch input, FBVB, F5117

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