
SAP Note 18797 - F4: No matchcode search with "." in matchcode data


The F4 matchcode search does not work when "." is contained in the matchcode data.
Caution: This note is only valid for Release 2.x and 3.x. As of
Release 4.0A, read Note 142128.

Cause and prerequisites

The "." character is used internally as a control and separator parameter during matchcode search in order to enable short entry in matchcode field =...

    1. Procedure for release statuses prior to 2.1J and 2.2D:

Directory ~ftp/general/R3server/abap/note.0018797 on server SAPSERV3 contains all the required files for adapting the matchcode separator character (lower-case!):

  • rsmcsri0 (Report),
  • rddmu001 (Report),
  • mcsepinc (Include),
  • matchcode_fields_input (function module),
  • help_values_get_with_maco (function module),
  • lshl2top (include).

Data transfer into the SAP System:

      a) Fetching the files: ftp sapserv3.
      user: ftp
      password: ftp
      Call the directory: cd ~ftp/general/R3server/abap/note.0018797
      Switch to binary mode: ftp> bin
      Fetch the files: ftp> get rsmcsri0
      ftp> get rddmu001 etc...
      b) Import into the test system: edit the appropriate objects in the SAP System. In change mode, delete the old text and use "Utilities -> Upload" to upload the appropriate file into the editor. Perform a syntax check (not for RSMCSRI0) and save.
      File MCSEPINC is new and must be defined in a development class in the customer name range.
      c) The alternative constant is defined in include MCSEPINC. The default character suggested here is ";". You can also use the characters "%", "@", "!", "/" and "=".
      The character "#" may not be used, as it is a masking character in ABAP/4!
      d) Transport the changed objects into the production system:
    2. Procedure as of Release 2.1K, 2.2E and 3.0A till 3.0D:

    In Include MCSEPINC or MCINCSEP (as of Release 3.0A), change the statement:
    data: mc_separator(1) type c value '.'.
    to include the desired separator character. Except for any transport of the changes, no other actions are necessary.
    3. Procedure as of Release 3.0E:

    In inculde LSDH1TOP, change the constant mc_separator to the desired separator.
    Otherwise, instead of "." insert the required separator in the Include
    MCINCSEP in the line
    data: mc_separator(1) type c value '.'.

Additional key words

F4 Help, Matchcode, Search, Special character, MCSEPINC, MCINCSEP, mc_separator, Matchcode separator

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