
SAP Note 18693 - oncheck -cc warnings or error


When you execute the command oncheck -cc some of the following warnings or the mentioned error are issued:
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.sysrawdsk.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.syssltdat.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.sysshmem.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.sysadtinfo.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.syscrtadt.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.sysaudit.
WARNING:No systabauth record for TBLSpace informix.arc_version.
WARNING:No sysdepend records found.
WARNING:No syssyntable records found.
WARNING:No sysviews records found.
WARNING:No sydepend records found.
WARNING:No syssyntable records found.
WARNING:No sysviews records found.
ERROR: informix.sysindices nextsize 175 != tblspace.nxtsize 8

Reason and Prerequisites

These are not errors as such, but warning messages. These messages only state that no data records were found in the corresponding tables.
As an example, you can examine the table "systabauth". The access authorizations on table level are managed here, that is, which user can access which tables in read or change mode.
The table "systabauth" does not contain any entries because a separate authorization concept was implemented in SAP software. This also applies to the other tables.
Caution: Missing entries in the table sysdepend which refer to views, indicate an inconsistency in the database!

The cause for the error is unknown. The message appears because the next extent size in systables differs from the information in the one stored on the table's or table or index fragment's control page ("partition page").

You can ignore these warning messages.
They have no influence on the current operation and on the database system.
"ERROR: table nextsize xxx != tblspace.nxtsize yyy"
The output in the message is in database pages (2k, 4k on AIX or Windows). The error can be corrected by
alter table modify next size ;
The new size must be different from both previous values. Please consider the current table size and expeted growth when deciding on the new next extent size as the maximum number of extents in one table fragment is limited to about 200 (400 with 4K pages). See also: DB02 / ST04 and infcfgcheck to be warned in advance when getting near the limit.

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