
SAP Note 18634 - RPITUM00: Pay scale reclassification is not performed


The protocol for Report RPITUM00 shows the current pay scale group/pay
level as the next higher pay scale group/ pay level, and does not perform a pay scale reclassification.

Cause and prerequisites

Table T510U contains incorrect entries.


Adhere to the following points when maintaining table T510U:

    1. In the case of a reclassification to another pay level (same pay scale group) the current pay scale group may NOT be entered as the next higher pay scale group. In this case, enter the new next higher pay level in T510U.
    2. In the case of a reclassification to another pay scale group, the new next higher pay scale group must be specified. If the next higher pay scale group has a higher pay level, it must be specified as well.
    3. Because Report RPITUM00 uses the next higher pay scale group (and pay level if nec.) as the starting point for the second reading of T510U, there must be a follow-up record with the new pay scale group/pay level in T510U.
    4. At the end of the reclassification chain, ensure that there is a final record for the pay scale. The fields 'ALTER', 'DAUER', next higher pay scale group, and next higher pay level may not contain any values.

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