How can you integrate a graphic (company logo, etc.) in outbound fax documents?
Whether such a functionality is provided and how it can be implemented depends on the fax device used.
The decisive factors here are
- 1. whether and in which form the fax system accepts instructions to integrate from graphics.
- 2. which output format the system uses, that is, which device type is specified in the spool administration (see also Note 19302):
- a) ASCII-Text, device types SAPCOMF, TOPCALL, GAMMAFAX
- b) Printer format, device types POSTSCPT, HPLJ4, and so on...
In the R/3 System, SAPcomm, or the fax system, the following four procedures are supported:
- 1. Logo is in the fax system, activation in R/3
Add one or more statements in the SAPscript form assigned to the outbound fax document, which are performed by the fax device (the file with the logo graphics is stored in the fax system).
To do so, change the form (Transaction SE71) as follows:
- a) Define a new window (for example, LOGO) of type CONST.
- b) Create a new page window LOGO. Place this at the desired location with "Left margin" and "Right margin."
- c) Maintain the "text elements" for this window. Enter the corresponding logo statements for your fax device here. If you use ASCII-text device types, the actual command to the fax system is at this point; when you use printer form device types, SAPscript print controls are located at this point where the use of many different types of fax systems is possible. Furthermore, it is worth recommending only issuing the logo statement(s) when sending faxes so that the same format can also be used for printing on paper.
Example for ASCII-text device type, for example, TOPCALL:
In the text element of the form : /: IF &DEVICE& = 'TELEFAX'
/: FI
Example for printer format device type: for example, POSTSCPT
In the text element of the form: /: IF &DEVICE& = 'TELEFAX'
/: FI
Printcontrol definition, for example: ZLOGO 1 _ _ %>APP:LOGO:GRAPH1
Of course, not only logo slot-ins but also other ABAP statements are transferred to the fax machines in this way, for example, the setting of page formats (landscape), fonts, and so on.
Refer to the operating manuals of the respective fax systems for syntax and use of the above statements.
Note: Depending on your fax device it may be neccessary to begin these statements at column one. In that case, set the left window margin to 0 and use a paragraph format with left margin 0 for the text elements.
- d) Save and activate the form.
- 2. Logo is in the fax system, activation in SAPcomm (only TOPCALL)
When using the fax system TOPCALL and connection via the old SAPcomm components 'TOP' by means of V.24 link, you can configure SAPcomm in such way that all fax documents with a logo stored in TOPCALL are provided without having to store statements in R/3 for this purpose.
To do this, set the SAPcomm configuration parameter MASK in the PROGRAM TOP, for example to a value +L. The fax documents are then assigned to a mask stored in Topcall, which can then contain graphics.
- 3. Logo is in the fax system, activation in the fax system
Your fax device may be able to insert or overlay logos stored in the fax device automatically onto all outbound fax messages without anything having to be specified within the message content (the file with the logo graphics is stored in the fax system).
For more details, refer to the manuals of the fax machine used in your company.
As of Release 3.0, it is only possible with printer format device types and not with ASCII text device types (see above).
Integrate the graphic files used as logos into the forms used for fax (SAPscript statement Include; read the details for this in the SAPscript documentation).
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