
SAP Note 18523 - Using INDX in the Report Writer


There are problems with table INDX.
Stichwort: Report Writer

Cause and prerequisites

The Report Writer stores data in table INDX. Since INDX is also used by other applications, it is possible that the table is full.


The Report Writer stores the following data in table INDX:

    1. If you generate a report group, all data relevant for the report definition is stored in INDX. This guarantees a fast access on the report definition when executing a report group. This data is deleted automatically if the report group is deleted.
    2. If you execute a report group, you can select the indicator 'Save data permanently' on the selection screen. The report then stores the currently read movement data with which the report is created. However, this is only useful if the report for this data is to be output several times.
You can list the stored data via transaction GR55 (Execute Report Group). To do this, choose the function 'Saved data...' (from the 'Utilities' menu. On the selection screen, you can enter intervals, if required. You receive a list of all saved data. You can either delete or output the data.

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