Long response times for matchcode F4 help
Cause and prerequisitesCase 1: a non-transparent matchcode ID is used (update type "A", "P", or "S").
Non-standard use of matchcodes: In the matchcodes used by SAP, we normally assume that the end user specifies a search sample in the first field of the "Restrict value range" dialog box. If this does not occur, all the records of the table must be read.
Case 2: a transparent matchcode ID is used (update type "I").
Missing index for the table field for which the enduser specified a sample in the "Restrict value range" screen. All the records must be read in this case, as well.
For case 1:
Copy the required matchcode ID to a new ID (customer name range "0" through "9"); assign the field sequence so that the main search field is the first field after the client; activate the matchcode ID; construct the matchcode data for the ID.
For case 2:
Create the corresponding index in the Data Dictionary (Transaction SE11) and in the database (function DB utility).
Additional note for ORACLE:
If the matchcode ID consists of fields of several client dependent tables, it is important that you enter the search field directly after
the client field.
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