
SAP Note 16654 - KP06ff: Wrong secondary costs for sender/receiver


The planned secondary costs from activity allocations for one or more sender cost centers / activity types and/or receiver objects (for example, cost centers, cost centers / activity types, orders, projects) are wrong.

Other terms

Key words:
Planning processor, activity input planning, secondary costs
KP06, KP07, KPC6, KPC7, KPF6, KPF7, CP06, CP07, CJR2, CJR3, KSPI

Reason and Prerequisites
    1. Subsequent change of the political activity prices for the sender cost centers
    2. Subsequent change of the activity price indicator for the sender cost centers
    3. Inconsistencies due to update terminations or program errors
    4. Further, unknown causes

Download the latest version of report RKPLNC01 from SAPSERV3 and use it to overwrite the version contained in your system, in order to avoid known errors.

The transport files of the RKPLNC01 report are contained in directory /general/R3server/abap/note.0016654. Depending on the release they are called as follows:

      a) All releases up to and including 4.6C:

K317156.P9C and R317156.P9C

      b) Release 4.7 (R/3 Enterprise) and subsequent releases:

K047837.P6B and R047837.P6B

and were last updated on 12/09/2002.
Help on ftp file transfer is contained in Note 13719.


    1. The report contains numbered texts (text symbols). If the report is not imported via SAPSERV3/X.25, but with a PC download and upload, note that these texts must also be imported and/or maintained.
    2. If Report RKPLNC01 is renamed in the customer's system, the string 'RKPLNC01' in the report must also be renamed accordingly.

The report is to be started for each sender cost center and each sender activity type for which a receiver with incorrect secondary costs exists.

Re: Contents of the report:
The report checks whether debits to the affected receiver cost centers and the respective credits are correct for 1 sender cost center and 1 sender activity type. If they are not correct, line items are created with delta values and adjustment documents are written. Via the parameter 'Tolerance,' you can set the difference between the correct value and the actual value from which adjustment line items are created in the database.
current sender activity price = $1.50,
current usage in periods to the receiver = 100 H,
current debit in periods to the receiver = $149.95,
correct debit in periods to the receiver = $150.00
Variant 1 : RKPLNC01 run with tolerance = 1
==> an adjustment line item is created,
as 150.00 - 149.95 = 5 cents > 1
Variant 2 : RKPLNC01 run with tolerance = 5
==> no adjustment line item is created,
as 150.00 - 149.95 = 5 cents = 5

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