
SAP Note 13356 - Purchasing infotext view cannot be maintined alone


Program : RMMMBIM0
If, during transfer of old data for material with standard program
RMMMBIM0, you only check off the view for the purchasing info text,
an error occurs when the session is processed because
no data is available for screen 0232.

Cause and prerequisites

In this case, the standard program also generates the organizational
levels screen (0080), although this screen is suppressed online,
as it is not required for the purchasing info text view.

You can avoid the problem by checking off the Purchasing view
as well. If a change is involved, no additional data is
required for the Purchasing view. If you are defining a material,
you must fill the required-entry fields (e.g. material group) on
the purchasing screen. This does not represent any additional effort
on your part, however, as even if you did not check off the Purchasing
view, an error message stating that required data is missing would
still be issued, at the latest when you attempt to save the

Key word: BTCI material

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