
SAP Note 12909 - Product groups cannot be created


Creation of product groups (Transaction MC84) terminates.

Cause and prerequisites

This may have several reasons:

    1. Industry sector 'M' does not exist
    2. Table T438A is incomplete (MRP procedure)
    3. Material type PROD is incorrect
    4. Customer modification: the material master contains required-entry fields that are not part of the standard system, for example MRP controller + planned delivery time are required-entry fields, regardless of the material type
    5. The maintenance views for the material master were restricted in Customizing for the plant, however, 'A' for work scheduling and 'D' for MRP are absolute requirements.
    6. The customer is using his own structure for the batch input of the material master (structure ZMMH1) which does not contain all fields of the standard system.

For 1.
Create industry sector 'M'.

For 2.
MRP procedures 'ND' with MRP type 'N' and other data = SPACE

For 3.
Material type 'PROD':
--> Customizing
--> Configuration menu
--> Logistics
--> Materials management
--> Master data
--> Material
--> Control data
--> Material type:
Field reference FERT
Internal/external orders: purchase orders allowed
External no. assignment w/o check: Yes
Views: MRP (+ Work scheduling as of Release 2.2)

If you deleted and recreated material type PROD, you need to change the value for field KZGRP from " " to "1". This must then be changed using a corresponding ABAP report.
For 4.
Modification MMCP3FP0: in the example in FORM routine PG_ANLAGE:
Insert the following after BMMH1-DISMM = 'ND': BMMH1-DISPO = 'XXX'.
Caution: MRP controller XXX must exist in all relevant plants. BMMH1-PLIFZ = 1.

For 5.
If in Customizing under:

Logistics - General => Logistics Basic Data: Material master
=> Field Selection for Batches and Vendor Consignment Goods => Specify reference for plant-independent field and screen selection
Logistics - General => Logistics Basic Data: Material master
=> Material => Field selection
=> Define reference for plant-independent field and screen selection

the maintenance views for a plant are restricted by the maintenance status, at that point you need to enter 'A' and 'D'.

For 6.
Adjust structure ZMMH1 and regenerate the source code with report RMMMBIMG.

Additional key words

E00055, error message: 'Required entry not made', MA151

Key word: Create product groups

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