Compiling your own RFC programs using the RFC SDK.
Other termsRFC SDK, compile, link, execute, Unicode
Reason and PrerequisitesThe readme is incomplete or does not exist.
The instructions for compiling an RFC program depend on the platform used. In general, you need an ANSI-C-enabled C-compiler. The "sapinfo" sample program, which is called with the option -v, returns the compiler version that is used to compile the programs in RFC-SDK.
The Include and Lib search paths must be set such that the 'include' and 'lib' directories are contained in the RFC directory tree.
For this, you only need to link the RFC library. On some platforms however, you must also explicitly link the "socket" and possibly other libraries.
Let us assume that RFCSDK is the "root" directory of the unpacked RFC Development Kit. It contains the following directory structure:
lib include bin text
You can find a detailed description of the compiler options and "make" environment for compiling, linking and calling the RFC programs (programs in RFCSDK/bin, for example) in the file RFCSDK/text/rfcapiu.htm.
We automatically check the compilation, the bind, and the execution of sample program ins SDK/text during production and prior to delivery of RFC-SDK. For this, we use the commands specified in SDK/text/rfcapiu.htm. This is the RFC-SDK use supported by SAP.
If problems occur when using RFC-SDK, provide the following information:
- A problem description.
- A sample program from RFCSDK/text that we can use to reproduce the problem.
- The error message observed, the symptoms observed, and so on.
- A description of your system environment:
- The operating system and the version.
- The compiler used and its version
- The version of RFC-SDK used.
Note the following conditions:
- We support the use of RFC-SDK as described in the online documentation in RFCSDK/text.
- Other usages are not excluded, however, we do not support those.
- We can only process problem messages if you provide the information specified above.
- We cannot guarantee further programming support. If required, contact your SAP subsidiary.
- 2006-11. AIX RS6000 64bit. Improved options in the online documentation RFCSDK/text/rfcapiu.htm. You can see these changes in the RFC SDK patches listed below:
-q64 implemented explicitly.
Superfluous link option L removed.
Unicode: Missing option in the literal implementation added.
Note: Ignore message such as "WARNING Duplicate symbol: printfU16" displayed when linking. We are currently integrating the libsapucum in the SAP UTF-16 library, for which these messages are not applicable.
- 640: Patch 33. (2006-12-21: Available for download).
- 700: Patch 04. (2006-12-22: Available for download).
- 2007-11. Remove libsapu16 from Unicode Link commands:
libsapu16 is no longer required as a separate library, and was therefore removed from the "Link" command in the online documentation.
- 640: Patch 42.
(2007-11-21: Patch Requests
6258065 2007: rs6000_64; fertig 2007-11-30.
6373451 2007: alphaosf, sun, sun_64; fertig 2007-11-30.)
- 700: Patch 12.
(2007-11-29 patch request
6478644 2007: alphaosf; fertig 2007-12-6.
6721554 2007: sun_64; fertig 2007-12-14)
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