
SAP Note 10745 - Copying classification data to another client.


Note on how to copy classification data to another client.
Starting with 3.0C: please use ALE for transporting data into another system or to another client.
Please observe Note 45951.
You can only transfer master and transaction data completely by means of the client copy. The target client has to remain EMPTY !!


Release information for 2.2A

General note: With the increasing level of detail of categories, it is very difficult to transport tables individually since these reference other objects.
(Category - Characteristic - Object dependencies Characteristic - Document Document - Category - ...)
If these dependencies are not considered, then this can lead to inconsistencies. Thus, starting with 3.0 it makes more sense to work with the ALE tools and distribute data.

Basic requirement for copying is that the tables in question have to be empty in the target system.

0. Table settings

All table settings must be copied to the new client.
(Customizing and ATAB control tables which belong to the development class CL and CT. Additionally starting with 3.0, tables for the object dependencies.)

Starting with release 3.0 the tables LKLAH, LSWOR, LKSML, LCABN, LCABNT,and LKSSK are to be copied/transported.

1. Characteristics

To copy characteristics data, copy the following tables:
In addition, you must copy the characteristics number range.
(Transaction CTNK).

If object dependencies have been maintained, you must copy the following tables:
CUOB Link between object and dependencies
CUKB Administrative information for dependency maintenance
CUKBT Text table for dependency maintenance
CUKN Dependency storage - variants/configuration
CUEX Dependency storage - compilation
CUXREF Object dependency cross references
Number range objects:
"CUOB_KNNR" Number range for allocated objects
"BEZIEHUNG" Number range for object dependencies

2. Category data

To copy category data, copy the following tables:
If you have maintained long texts for your categories, you also have to copy table KLAT and the relevant long texts from SAPSCRIPT for the object "KLAT". Extract the long texts from the word processing files.
In addition, you have to copy the number range for categories.
(Transaction CLNK).

3. Classification data (links between objects and classes)

To copy classification data, copy the following tables:
INOB (as of 2.2) and the relevant number range object OBJNR.
All objects (such as materials, equipments) which
are classified have to be copied to the new client, of course.
In addition, you need to copy the number ranges for the objects you are

4. Copying data subsets

a) Only classes in a hierarchy but without objects

    • To do this, you extract the relevant entries from tables KSSK and AUSP per program using field MAFID (K), and then copy data to the new client.

      b) Classification/allocation data of specific objects only
To do this, you need to extract the relevant entries from tables KSSK and AUSP via the program using field KLART (category type) and then copy data to the new client.

0. - 3.
To copy table entries, there are system and transport tools
(see S000 -> Tools -> Case -> Maintenance -> Client copy)

4a, 4b
You need to write your own programs for copying data subsets.

Key word: Classification

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