When you start the database, the error message
ORA1135 file %s accessed for DML/query is offline
is issued, and the db cannot be started.
Cause and prerequisites
If a data file cannot be accessed at some point (normally a
hardware problem), ORACLE sets it to offline.
Analysis if problems with R/3 start or connection:
1. login c11adm
2. cd /usr/sap/C11/DVEBMGS00/work
3. more dev_db*
--> if at least 1 dev_db* contains entries like
"SQL -1135 ... table
but no file name, - if the DB is open -
4. login orac11
5. sqldba (lmode=y)
6. connect sapr3/sap
7. select count(*) from ;
--> now, at the latest, a message will be issued like
"ORA-1135: file ....offline;
is then the affected data file.
8. exit
-->Only ORACLE Version 7:
1. startup mount
2. connect internal
3. spool ; (genreates ouptut as UNIX file in the
current directory)
4. select * from v$datafile;
--> the Status column will show the current status of a data file
(e.g. Recover)
5. alter database datafile '' online;
6. recover datafile '';
7. alter database open;
--> ORACLE Version 6:
The view V$datafile does not yet exist; you can use view v$dbfile
(only when the database is open). therefore:
1. startup
2. connect internal
3. spool
4. select * from v$dbfile;
--> Only shows the file ID and the file name
5. alter database close;
6. alter database datafile '' online;
7. recover datafile '';
8. alter database open;
Key word: ORA1135
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