Texts are illegible in various SAP graphics programs under
Windows (as symbols, in Greek or Cyrillic characters).
This effect occurs particularly with screens with a lower
resolution (VGA 480x460).
Fonts were installed on the Windows machine which are
non-Latin types. Sometimes, if the font size is suitable,
they are used to represent particularly small or large typefaces.
In the work directory, create a file SAPGRAPH.INI with the
following contents:
SYS SFNT Fixedsys
SYS BFNT Fixedsys
('SYS MFNT Fixedsys' may have to be entered in addition).
For fonts of any chosen size, the graphics program will choose the
non-proportional system font only, which corresponds to the font
type of the Windows installation in any case.
From Release 2.1J/2.2D all installed fonts are listed in the trace file dev_w_1. You can access this file by setting the environment variable 'dptrace' to '2' and subsequently starting any SAP Graphic (see Note 10369 for creating trace files). You can use this list to set particular fonts for the SAP Graphics:
SYS SFNT Terminal,O,6,4
in SAPGRAPH.INI, for example, sets the small graphics font to the 6 points high and 4 points wide font of the 'terminal' family (the 'O' is a capital 'o' and shows that it is an OEM font - this is indicated by the 'FF' value in the 'cs' (character set) column of the list of font types in 'dev_w_1') If the value '0' is in this column then leave this position blank or set it to 'A' (ANSI); e.g.: SYS BFNT Courier New,,45,24Take the values for the height and width of the desired font from the font list: It shows all fonts by font family - with height (column 'ht'), width (column 'wd') and other attributes. Also important is the 'p&f' column (Pitch & Family): if the first number is even (or 0), then the font is non-proportional. Only in this case will it be be accepted by the SAP Graphics as 'SFNT', 'MFNT' or 'BFNT'.
(The environment variable SAPGRAPH=...SAPGRAPH.INI should not be
set from 2.1A onwards. You will find SAPGRAPH.INI if it is located
in the current work directory when starting SAPGUI.)
Key word: Symbol fonts
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