
SAP Note 10405 - Download lists in Excel not in the correct columns.


When downloading a displayed list and loading the file into Excel, the data is not formatted correctly in columns, that is, all the information from one line appears in the first Excel cell.

Cause and prerequisites

The lists are formatted correctly in columns in the R/3 System; the information on the column boundaries is, however, no longer available to the ABAP/4 list processor when displaying. For this reason, it cannot be created unambiguously during the download.

Release 2.1 / 2.2
Generally the lines of the list are transferred in a completely unstructured way and Excel has to "guess" the column information itself. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this works very well for R/3 lists, if you download the file with an ASC format and then specify the vertical pipe ("Pipe" symbol, ASCII 124) as a user-defined separator when loading the file into Excel. This is done as follows:
Excel 4.0: When loading the file into Excel, choose the pushbutton "Text..." on the screen "Open file ...". A popup appears in which you can specify a user-defined separator.
Excel 5.0: When loading the file into Excel, choose the option "Separated" on the first screen of the Text Import Assistant. You can enter the user-defined separator on the second screen of the Assistant.

Release 3.0:
With Release 3.0 the "Download to spreadsheet" has been added to the "System" menu as a separate point besides the unstructured download (which will continue to exist!). Tab symbols are added into the list's rows to spread out the rows' fields to the cells of the Excel grid. The function is oriented at the WRITE statements in the underlying ABAP/4 program, that is, the breakup of a line into cells in Excel is not based on semantic information (as this is unfortunately not available), but on the writing sequence when the list is created. Although this generates satisfactory results for the vast majority of R/3 lists, there are also cases whereby the logical structure of the list is not rendered adequately in Excel!

Release 3.1 ff.:
The problems described above (in Release 3.0) particularly cause confusing results if, as occurs relatively often, the sequence of the WRITE statements differs between the title line of a list and the body of the list, or when the list has a relatively complex structure. In these cases, the horizontal alignment is often so distorted in Excel that the list cannot be used.
For this reason, the "Download for spreadsheet" function was changed in Release 3.1 so that at least the following can be ensured: if two string tokens (in different rows) start in the same horizontal position, they will also end up in cells of the same column in Excel. This is achieved by appropriate adding of empty cells. The disadvantage of this process is that the empty cells which are added automatically appear or disappear depending on the data in the case of some lists. This may hinder the mechanical processing of the list in some cases. This small disadvantage is outweighed, however, by the fact that a human finds it much easier to read the list structure in the problematic cases mentioned above.

Keyword: Excel download

Additional key words


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