
SAP Note 10212 - CLOSE_FORM is invalid, OPEN_FORM is missing (TD423)


When you print a termination occurs: CLOSE_FORM is invalid, OPEN_FORM is missing (error message TD423)

Additional key words

Sap script, TD423, termination

Cause and prerequisites

The program that calls the Sap script modules does not react to the situation that the form could not be opened at all after the OPEN_FORM function call - that is, the CLOSE_FORM function call is performed anyway, and the exception was not trapped.
In the following cases the function module OPEN_FORM returns an exception to which the print program should react:
Can celled by user
Invalid output device
Form not found
Previous print not exited with CLOSE_FORM

The most frequent cause is that the form does not exist.
Up to and including Release 2.0, the forms must physically exist in the client. You can achieve this by using Transaction SE71 to copy the forms from client 000 to the current client (Utilities - Copy by client).
Cross-client access has been implemented from Release 2.1 onwards - that is, when a form does not exist in the current client, it is read from client 000.
You can refer to Customizing for the form. Make sure that an active version exists.
If this is not the cause, you should determine which exception is triggered by debugging (break point for function module OPEN_FORM). Alternately you can also use the form debugger (Transaction SE71, Utilities -> Activate debugger). For more information refer to Note 19104.
Note that you might have to activate the update debugging if the application is printing in the update.

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